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The py-ulid library is a minimal, self-contained implementation of the ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier) specification in Python. For more information, please refer to the official specification.


You can install the py-ulid library from PyPi

pip install py-ulid

The py-ulid library can be used in any version of python >= 3.5 and does not require any additional packages or modules.

How to use

To generate a ULID, simple run the generate() function

from ulid import ULID

#Instantiate the ULID class
ulid = ULID()
ulid.generate()  #01BX5ZZKBKACTAV9WEVGEMMVRZ

Seeding Time

You can instantiate the instance of the ULID class with a seed time which will output the same string for the time component. This could be useful when migrating to ulid

from ulid import ULID

#Instantiate the ULID class
ulid = ULID(1469918176385)
ulid.generate()  #01ARYZ6S41TSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV

Monotonic ULIDs

from ulid import Monotonic

#Instantiate the Monotonic Class
ulid = Monotonic()

# Same timestamp when calls are made within the same
# millisecond and least-significant random bit is incremented by 1
ulid.generate()  #01DC8Y7RBV4RSXX0437Z1RQR11
ulid.generate()  #01DC8Y7RBV4RSXX0437Z1RQR12
ulid.generate()  #01DC8Y7RBV4RSXX0437Z1RQR13
ulid.generate()  #01DC8Y7RBV4RSXX0437Z1RQR14
ulid.generate()  #01DC8Y7RBV4RSXX0437Z1RQR15
ulid.generate()  #01DC8Y7RBV4RSXX0437Z1RQR16
ulid.generate()  #01DC8Y7RBV4RSXX0437Z1RQR17
ulid.generate()  #01DC8Y7RBV4RSXX0437Z1RQR18
ulid.generate()  #01DC8Y7RBV4RSXX0437Z1RQR19